Corporate Support

Beacon Preservation depends on our community partners --such as Lowe's Home Improvement and Benjamin Moore Paints--for financial support and and professional advice. BPI understands the importance of lighthouses as nautical icons in their communities;  we act as the caretakers but need local business partners to aid us in upholding our mission of careful restoration, community access, and educational programs.

We seek corporate partners who support sustainable energy initiatives and historic preservation in order to educate local communities about environmentally-friendly conservation practices.  If your corporation's beliefs align with ours, aid us in supporting and implementing our sustainable energy plan for Goose Rocks, estimated at $30,000, or our complete interior and exterior restoration of Penfield Reef Light estimated at $250,000.  DONATE NOW!

Your Corporate Logo on This Page!  
Your corporate logo and a link to your company's website can be featured on this page! 
Ask us for details when making your corporate donation.

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